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Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015


Wherever you see '#', that should be replaced by the appropriate number.

ESC code sequenceFunction
Cursor Controls:
ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#fMoves cusor to line #, column #
ESC[#AMoves cursor up # lines
ESC[#BMoves cursor down # lines
ESC[#CMoves cursor forward # spaces
ESC[#DMoves cursor back # spaces
ESC[#;#RReports current cursor line & column
ESC[sSaves cursor position for recall later
ESC[uReturn to saved cursor position
Erase Functions:
ESC[2JClear screen and home cursor
ESC[KClear to end of line
Set Graphics Rendition:
ESC[#;#;....;#mSet display attributes where # is
  • 0 for normal display
  • 1 for bold on
  • 4 underline (mono only)
  • 5 blink on
  • 7 reverse video on
  • 8 nondisplayed (invisible)
  • 30 black foreground
  • 31 red foreground
  • 32 green foreground
  • 33 yellow foreground
  • 34 blue foreground
  • 35 magenta foreground
  • 36 cyan foreground
  • 37 white foreground
  • 40 black background
  • 41 red background
  • 42 green background
  • 43 yellow background
  • 44 blue background
  • 45 magenta background
  • 46 cyan background
  • 47 white background
ESC[=#;7h or ESC[=h or ESC[=0h or ESC[?7hPut screen in indicated mode where # is
  1. for 40 x 25 black & white
  2. for 40 x 25 color
  3. for 80 x 25 b&w
  4. for 80 x 25 color
  5. for 320 x 200 color graphics
  6. for 320 x 200 b & w graphics
  7. for 640 x 200 b & w graphics
  8. to wrap at end of line
ESC[=#;7l or ESC[=l or ESC[=0l or ESC[?7lResets mode # set with above command
Keyboard Reassignments:
ESC[#;#;...p or ESC["string"p or ESC[#;"string";#;Keyboard reassignment. The first ASCII code defines which code is to be changed. The remaining codes define what it is to be changed to.
ESC [65;81pA becomes Q
ESC [97;113pa becomes q
ESC [81;65pQ becomes A
ESC [113;97pq becomes a
ESC [0;68;"dir";13pThe 0;68 is the extended ASCII code for the F10 key and 13 is the ASCII code for a carriage return.
Other function key codesF1=59,F2=60,F3=61,F4=62,F5=63,F6=64,F7=65,F8=66,F9=67,F10=68

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Максимальная длина комментария - 4000 символов.
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