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Почтовая рассылка

Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

Помогите написать 3 простых программы на Java. Или хотя бы сами алгоритмы.

31 августа 2016 года
Сергей Кушнарёв
1 / / 31.08.2016
1. Candies
Candy weighs X grams, tangerine - Y grams and apple - Z grams.

Need to write a program that will determine how many different versions of gifts weighing exactly W grams can make Santa Claus.

Input data

Function should receive four integers X, Y, Z and W.

Output data

Function should return a single integer - the number of gift options.


X = 10
Y = 25
Z = 15
W = 40
Result: 3

2. Secretary Jeniffer
Jenifer, our secretary, went to the office late today, and it is urgently necessary to save time to have a dinner, but she needs N copies of the same document. There are two Xerox, one of which copies the list of paper for x seconds, and the other one - for y seconds. (You may use one Xerox machine, or both at the same time. You can not only copy from the original, but also use a copy.) To help her to find out what is the minimum time it will take.

Input data

Function should receive three integers: N, x and y

Output data

Function should return a single number - the minimum time in seconds required for the preparation of N copies.


N = 4
x = 1
y = 1

Result: 3


N = 5
x = 1
y = 2

Result: 4

3. Friends
Company Sony has N people. Many of them are friends. Also, interesting fact is that friends of friends are also friends. You need to find out how much friends has a particular person in the company.

Input data

Function should receive next params:
N - number of people in the company
S - a specific number of person
Matrix N lines contain N numbers consisting of ones and zeros. And the unit standing in the i-th row and j-th column ensures that people with numbers i and j - friends, and 0 - expresses uncertainty.

Output data

Function should return number of the certain friends of the person with the S number, remembering transitive friendship.

N = 3
S = 1
Matrix = 0 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0
Result: 2

N = 5
S = 2
Matrix = 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0
Result: 3
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