Какая кнопка нажата у мыши
Какая кнопка нажата у мыши
Хотелось бы знать как определить и можно ли вообще определить, какая кнопка нажата у мыши.
From : Evgenij Koronin
Используй объект event
The Event Object is supported by both Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape (from 3.0). Properties of the event object are available for every event that occurs on every scriptable object within a document.
The button property contains an integer value which represents which of the mouse buttons were used when the event occurred. The possible values are:
Value Button pressed
- 0 - No mouse button pressed
- 1 - Left mouse button pressed
- 2 - Right mouse button pressed
- 4 - Middle button pressed